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P  Aiyetan, SN Thomas, Z Zhang, H Zhang. MRMPlus: an open source quality control and assessment tool for SRM/MRM assay development. BMC bioinformatics. 2015.


S. T. Eshghi, S. Yang, X. Wang, P. Shah, X. Li, H. Zhang. Imaging of N-Linked Glycans from Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded Tissue Sections Using MALDI Mass Spectrometry. ACS Chemical Biology. 2014


Y Tian, T Koganti, Z Yao, P Cannon, P Shah, L Pietrovito, A Modesti, P Aiyetan, K DeLeon-Pennell, Y Ma, G Halade, C Hicks, H Zhang, M Lindsey. Cardiac Extracellular Proteome Profiling and Membrane Topology Analysis Using Glycoproteomics. Proteomics Clinical Applications. 2014

P Aiyetan, B Zhang, Z Zhang, H Zhang. XGlycScan: An Open Source Software for N-Linked Glycosite Assignment, Quantification and Quality Assessment of Data from Mass Spectrometry-Based Glycoproteomic Analysis. MOJ Proteomics and Bioinformatics 1 (1), 00004, 2014


W Yang, JY Zhou, L Chen, M Ao, S Sun, P Aiyetan, A Simmons, H Zhang, et al. Glycoproteomic analysis identifies human glycoproteins secreted from HIV latently infected T cells and reveals their presence in HIV+ plasma. Clinical proteomics 11 (1), 9, 2014


P Aiyetan, B Zhang, L Chen, Z Zhang, H Zhang. M2Lite: an Open-Source, Light-Weight, Pluggable and Fast Proteome Discoverer MSF to mzIdentML Tool. Journal of Bioinformatics 1 (2), 40 - 49, 2014


Xingwang Jia, Jin Dong,Haiyue Ju, Li Yang, Yaping Tian Study on the relationship between Omega-3 index and atherosclerotic plaque. Exp Clin Cardiol. 2014. 20(1) 2411-2417


PK Shah, Y Shuang, S Sun, P Aiyetan, KJ Yarema, H Zhang. Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Sialylated Glycans with Use of Solid-Phase Labeling of Sialic Acids Analytical Chemistry 85 (7), 3606 - 3613, 2013


MSQ Kortenhorst, MD Wissing, R Rodríguez, SK Kachhap, JJM Jans, P Aiyetan et al. Analysis of the genomic response of human prostate cancer cells to histone deacetylase inhibitors. Epigenetics 8 (9), 2013


S Sun, B Zhang, P Aiyetan, JY Zhou, P Shah, W Yang, DA Levine, et al. Analysis of N-glycoproteins using Genomic N-glycosite Prediction Journal of proteome research 12 (12), 5609-5615, 2013


J Chen, ST Eshghi, GS Bova, QK Li, X Li and H Zhang, “Epithelium Percentage Estimation Facilitates Epithelial Quantitative Protein Measurement in Tissue Specimens,” Clinical Proteomics, 2013


S Yang, ST Eshghi, H Chiu, DL DeVoe and H Zhang, “Glycomic Analysis by Glycoprotein Immobilization for Glycan Extraction and Liquid Chromatography on Microfluidic Chip,” Analytical Chemistry 85, 10117-10125 (2013).


ST Eshghi, X Li, H Zhang, “Targeted Analyte Detection by Standard Addition Improves Detection Limits in MALDI Mass Spectrometry,” Analytical Chemistry 84, 7626-7632 (2012).


Xingwang Jia, Yaping Tian. A Novel Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction Assay for Profiles Analysis of Peripheral Blood Gene Expression, BMC Cardiovascular Disorders.2012;12(50),1-9.Doi: 10.1186/1471-2261-12-51.


Xingwang Jia, Yaping Tian, Ying Wang, etal. Association between Interleukine-6 gene -572G/C, -597G/A polymorphism and coronary heart disease in the Han Chinese, Medical Science Monitor 2010 Feb; 26,16(3): CR103-108.

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