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About us

We are one of five Proteome Characterization Centers (PCCs) funded by the National Cancer Institute (NCI). The primary goal of the PCCs is to comprehensively characterize tumors and biospecimens in order to systematically identify, prioritize, and verify cancer-related proteins for the development of biomarkers. The proteomic technologies for cancer proteome characterization include protein microarray, immunoassays, and mass-spectrometry-based methods. The aim is to bridge genomic and proteomic discoveries to medicine using proteomic technologies.  more information...


The Center for Biomarker Discovery and Translation is a division of the Pathology Department at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland. It was founded as the Center for Biomarker Discovery in 2000 by Dr. Daniel Chan, and became the Center for Biomarker Discovery & Translation in 2010.  more information...



Our research interests are centered on understanding functions of proteins and protein modifications using high-throughput proteomic technologies. Currently, projects in the lab focus on understanding structures and functions of proteins and protein glycosylation in biology and human diseases. Researchers in the group developed integrated proteomic, glycoproteomic, and glycomic technologies for comprehensive glycoprotein characterization. These technologies enable the identification and quantification of glycoproteins, glycosites, glycans associated with each glycosite and their occupancies. The group participates in several research programs including Early Detection Research Network (EDRN), Clinical Proteomic Tumor Analysis Consortium (CPTAC), and Programs of Excellence in Glycosciences (PEG).

 Key Publications

Glycoproteomic Technologies and Applications

Glycosite Analysis

Glycomic Analysis

Site-specific Analysis of Glycosylation

Proteomic Technologies and Applications

Current Projects & Grants

Proteome Characterization Center: a genoproteomics pipeline for cancer biomarkers 



PI: Chan D, Zhang H, Zhang Z

Role: Co-Principal Investigator

This is a center in Clinical Proteomic Tumor Analysis Consortium (CPTAC). The major goal of this Center is the proteomic characterization of cancer tissues and plasma samples with genomic data to not only verify the genomic alterations at the protein level but also allow for the analysis of unique features that are inherent to proteins including post-translational modification.

Center members on CPTAC project:

Mechanism and anti-cancer activity of SCFA-hexosamine analogs 



PI: Yarema, Kevin

Role: Co-investigator

The goal of the parent grant to this project is to develop novel sugar-based cancer drugs to treat metastatic cancer.


Glycoconjugates and cardiovascular disease



PI: Hart, Gerald

Role: Principal Investigator for project #4

Co-Principal Investigator (with Van Eyk) for mass spectrometry core

This is a center of Programs of Excellence in Glycosciences (PEG). The central theme of this center is the roles of both extracellular and intracellular glycoconjugates in the mechanisms protecting the heart or leading to atherosclerosis and cardiomyopathies, culminating in myocardial infarction and heart failure.

Clinical and Analytical Validation of Cancer Biomarkers



PI: Chan, Daniel

Role: Co-investigator/developmental project leader 

Notes: This is a biomarker reference laboratory (BRL) of the Early Detection Research Network (EDRN). The major goal of this project is to conduct analytical and clinical validation studies of biomarkers.

Center members on EDRN project:

Infectious Disease


PI: Yang, Weiming

Role: Principal Investigator

Deciphering the Latency‐associated Sugar‐code to Detect and Eliminate HIV Latent Reservoir.

Center members on Infectious Disease project:

Johns Hopkins proteomic innovation center in heart failure

HHSN268201000032C (N01-HV-00240)


PI: Van Eyk, Jennifer

Role: Co-investigator

This is a center of NHLBI Proteomics Centers. The goal of this project is to develop and apply innovative mass spectrometry based PTM capture methods in heart failure. In particular, my project will focus on glycoproteome tools in both tissue and blood samples.


© 2021 by Center for Biomarker Discovery & Translation

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